ATT’s BIM Library


Article published genuinly by G4BIM:

Author: Wojciech Jędrosz

The progressing digitization of the construction process brings changes for every part in the investment and construction case. This requires participants in the process of introducing changes and increasing the level of digitization of their company. An important element that allows many benefits for manufacturers of building components are digital models of their products.

Using the 3D technology is becoming more and more common for the industry, both on the part of the designer, manufacturer and the investor himself. BIM models are just no more no less smart 3D product objects.

They contain a range of geometric and non-geometric information. They give the possibility of containing a large amount of information with a small size and high availability of the file. More and more companies recognize the advantages of having BIM models, especially in today’s realities, where a large part of the work is done remotely and work has become more digital.

Companies that decide using this solution are aware of their competitive position on the market due to the use of new technologies.

ATT – stainless steel products

An excellent example of the use of BIM libraries is the ATT company, which we have helped to prepare many BIM models for products from their offer.

The ATT company is a production and service company offering stainless steel products. It has a rich portfolio of products, in which the leading positions are stainless steel drainage systems, manholes, hatches, structures, products for equipment for industrial plants and pipelines.

One of the available implementations in the manufacturer’s offer when it comes to BIM libraries is a point drainage, e.g. W200 / 110V1. From the basic information about the product, it is worth mentioning the following:

  • All point drainages and rodding eyes are made of stainless steel as standard: AISI 304, EN 1.4301 and AISI 316L, EN 1.4404.
  • The type of drainage depends on the load class, the amount of drained liquid and the design parameters.
  • Products are made of sheet metal with a thickness adapted to the given type of inlet
  • All elements are argon welded and then etched. This ensures high quality of the welds.




  • possibility of choosing a grate depending on the application and load class,
  • easy assembly,
  • thanks to the appropriate construction of the siphon, each drainage is also an access door to the sewage system,
  • simple structure,
  • easy cleaning.

Due to the possibility of selecting product elements, an important issue when creating intelligent BIM libraries was to include in one family all possible variants directly in the model. By taking into account this functionality, the user (e.g. designer, investor) can freely modify the variants at the design stage, which will have a positive effect on the minimization of costs and improve the communication process between process participants. The changes made by the architect will be updated to the design as soon as they are made, without the need for costly changes to the construction site.

We have achieved the maximum use of the potential of BIM models thanks to a high-quality model with a compact file size. The ability to download the «ready» object from the manufacturer’s website significantly improves the designer’s work and improves communication. This realistically increases the chances of using the product in the project / investment.

The prepared models have gained a positive opinion of designers in terms of usability and use in projects. Thanks to the files sent, it was possible to create an ATT online library:

The example described in more detail shows some of the benefits of using BIM libraries for manufacturers – improving the design work, communication process and minimizing costs, or increasing product availability.