

The development of stainless steel production and its impact on hygiene technology

It was only at the turn of the 18th century that serious discussion began on the topic of hygiene and bacteriology. It was in the 19th century that the foundations...

ATT’s BIM Library

Article published genuinly by G4BIM: Author: Wojciech Jędrosz The progressing digitization of the construction process brings changes for every part in the investment and construction case. This requires participants...

ATT BIM: Access Covers

Article published by G4BIM:—att-klapa Author: Wojciech Jędrosz Many building component manufacturers are still unaware of the many opportunities that come from having digital models of their products. Pandemic times...

Consider this before investing in drainage systems

By: Krzysztof Kaczmarczyk, Technology Manager & Marcin Rebalski, Export Sales Director ATT Regardless of whether we engage in a greenfield construction project or the modernisation of existing food production environments –...

CAINOX: El camino hacia una sólida cooperación comercial

El reconocimiento de la marca Cainox en el mercado español y la relación de muchos años con un proveedor internacional muy conocido y con un producto de gran calidad, nos exigía ser muy cautos a la hora de colaborar con un nuevo proveedor.